
Prof. Dr. Tanja Kleibl

Tanja Kleibl is professor for Social Work, Migration and Diversity. Among her research focuses are critical social theory, development research and migration with a critical focus on civil society and postcolonialism.

E-mail: tanja.kleibl[at]

More information on Prof. Dr. Tanja Kleibl


Kleibl, T. (to be published in 2021): Decolonizing Civil Society in Mozambique. ZED Books. 



Kleibl, T. (im Druck). Decolonizing Civil Society in Mozambique. ZED Books. 

Kleibl, T. (2020). Globale Ziele und lokale Realitäten. Nachhaltigkeitsdebatte zur Unterstützung räumlicher Gerechtigkeit. In R. Oxenknecht-Witzsch, & R. Fornet-Betancourt (eds.), Symposium Gerechtigkeit und Verantwortung in der globalen Gesellschaft. Schriften zur vergleichenden Sozialarbeitswissenschaft und zur interkulturellen/internationalen Sozialarbeit. Wissenschaftsverlag Mainz. 

Kleibl, T., & Lutz, R. (2020). Globale Ungleichheiten. Herausforderungen für eine internationale Soziale Arbeit. In C. Steckelberg, & B. Thiessen (eds.), Wandel der Arbeitsgesellschaft: Soziale Arbeit in Zeiten von Globalisierung, Digitalisierung und Prekarisierung. Verlag Barbara Budrich.

Kleibl, T., & Lutz, R. (2020). Internationale Soziale Arbeit neu denken. Sozial Extra, 44, 247–251.



Kleibl, T., Ilal, A., & Munck, R. (2019). Postcolonial perspectives on civil society in Mozambique: Towards an alternative approach for research and action. In P. Kamruzzaman (ed.), Civil Society in the Global South. Routledge.

Kleibl, T., & Lutz, R. (2019). Verärgerte Geister und Götter? Naturkatastrophen, Krisen, Hexerei und religiöse Attacken in Mosambik. Afrika Süd, 48(6).

Kleibl, T., Lutz R., Noyoo, N., Bunk, B., Dittmann, A., & Seepamore, B. (2019). The Routledge Handbook of Postcolonial Social Work. Routledge.

Kleibl, T., & Munck, R. (2019). A Sociedade Civil em Mocambique: ONGs, Religião, Política and Feitiçaria. Tensoes e Conflitos Sociais no Campo. Escolar Editora.



Kleibl, T., & Munck. R. (2018). NGOs and the Political Economy of Development: An Irish Perspective. Development Studies Association Ireland (DSAI). Discussion Paper.

Kleibl, T., & Sevenich, L. (2018). Development, post-development and the alternative beyond-aid debates: A critical international development worker perspective. In L. Wagner, R. Lutz, Ch. Rehklau, & F. Ross (eds.), Handbuch Internationale Soziale Arbeit – Dimensionen – Konflikte – Positionen. Beltz Verlag.

[Translate to Englisch:] Profilfoto von Prof. Dr. Tanja Kleibl

Prof. Dr. Hannah Reich

Hannah Reich has been a professor of social work at the Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt since 2016. Her research focuses are constructive conflict transformation, peacemaking, migration and self-development.

E-mail: hannah.reich[at]

Further information on Prof. Dr. Hannah Reich

International Social Work Acting in Crises – Attitude Matters AttiMa (together with the Modern University for Business & Science, Libanon, and the German Jordanian University, funding: German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Federal Foreign Office (AA), project period: 2021-2022)


completed projects

LOSWAC - Localisation of Social Work in Arab Countries (together with the German Jordanian University, Yarmouk University and Lebanese University, funding: German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Federal Foreign Office, project period: 2019-2020)


Nolden, D. & Reich, H. (2020). Strenthening Refugees as Agents for Peace. Challenges and Opportunities. à propos - the KOFF peacebuilding magazine, 166.

Nolden, D., Reich, H., & Kostic, V. (2020). Refugees as Agents for Change? Reflecting on the implementation of peace education formats in Jordanian refugee camps. Berghof Foundation Operations.

Reich, H. (2020). Los dilemas del comodín en la creación de un espacio seguro para la transformación en contextos de violencia socio-política. In H.J. Joffre-Eichhorn (ed.), Ensayando el Despertar - Miradas movilizadoras desde el pluriverso del Teatro del Oprimido (pp. 225 – 234).

Reich, H. (in print) Friedenspädagogik. In R. Amthor, B. Goldberg, P. Hansbauer, B. Landes, & T. Wintergerst (eds.), Kreft/Mielenz - Wörterbuch Soziale Arbeit (9th edition). Beltz Juventa.



Reich, H. (2019). Conflict Sensitive Social Work. In R. Rosskopf, & K. Heilmann (eds.), International Social Work and Forced Migration, Developments in African, Arab and European Countries. Barbara Budrich Verlag.

[Translate to Englisch:] Profilfoto von Prof. Dr. Hannah Reich

Prof. Dr. Ralf Roßkopf

Ralf Roßkopf is professor of law at the Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt (THWS). His research focus is immigration law, especially humanitarian immigration law including refugee law and human rights.

E-mail: ralf.rosskop[at]

Further information on Prof. Dr. Ralf Rosskopf


Roßkopf, R. (in Peer Review). Palestinian Refugees – Triggering the Inclusion Clause of the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees

Roßkopf, R. (2022). Legal Protection for Unaccompanied Minors in Germany. In: M.D. Martinez & S. Segado (eds.). Frontiers, Research, Policy and Action for Minors and Migration. Thomson Reuters.

Roßkopf, R. (2022). Staatsangehörigkeitsrecht. In: L. Eiding & J. Hofmann-Hoeppel (eds.). Verwaltungsrecht: Schriftsatzmuster und Erläuterungen, Materielles Recht, Verfahrensrecht, (3rd edition). Baden Baden: Nomos Verlag.

Roßkopf, R. (2022). Asyl- und Asylbewerberleistungsrecht. In: L. Eiding & J. Hofmann-Hoeppel (eds.): Verwaltungsrecht: Schriftsatzmuster und Erläuterungen, Materielles Recht, Verfahrensrecht (pp. 2289-2331). (3rd edition). Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag.

Roßkopf, R. (2022). Aufenthaltsrecht. In: L. Eiding, & J. Hofmann-Hoeppel (eds.). Verwaltungsrecht: Schriftsatzmuster und Erläuterungen, Materielles Recht, Verfahrensrecht (pp. 2238-2288). 3. edition. Baden Baden: Nomos Verlag.



Roßkopf, R. (2021). Humanitäres Migrationsrecht. In: S. Wollenschläger (ed.): Handbuch des Ausländerrechts der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (pp. 159-404). Köln. Luchterhand Verlag, 2B, 2. Abschnitt, B. Schutzstatus nach Völker- und Unionsrecht.

Heilmann, K. & Roßkopf, R. (2021). Internationale Soziale Arbeit. In: R. Amthor, B. Goldberg, P. Hansbauer, B. Landes & T. Wintergerst (eds.): Wörterbuch Soziale Arbeit (pp. 439-44). (9th edition). Beltz Juventa. 

Roßkopf, R. (2021). Conclusions. In: R. Roßkopf & K. Heilmann (eds.). International Social Work and Forced Migration (pp. 313-314). Opladen. Barbara Budrich Verlag.

Roßkopf, R. (2021). Humanitarian Migration Law for Social Work Practice. In: R. Roßkopf & K. Heilmann (eds.). International Social Work and Forced Migration (pp. 216-232). Opladen. Barbara Budrich Verlag.

Heilmann, K. & Roßkopf, R. (2021). Reflections on International Social Work in Concepts of Forced Migration. In: R. Roßkopf & K. Heilmann (eds.): International Social Work and Forced Migration (pp. 16-30). Opladen. Barbara Budrich Verlag.

Roßkopf, R. & Heilmann, K (2021). Preface. In: R. Roßkopf & K. Heilmann (eds.). International Social Work and Forced Migration (pp. 5-10). Opladen. Barbara Budrich Verlag.



Roßkopf, R. (2020). Humanitäres Migrationsrecht. In: R. Schiedermair & M. Wollenschläger (eds.). Handbuch des Ausländerrechts der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Köln: Luchterhand Verlag, 2B, 2. Abschnitt, A. Grundlagen, pp. 1-56, B. Schutzstatus nach Völker- und Unionsrecht, pp. 57-159.



Roßkopf, R. (2019). International Social Work and the Promotion of the Sustainable Development Goals with Special Reference to Migration. Journal of Social Work in Developing Societies, 1 (1), (pp. 17-29).

Petra Dankova, M.S.W.

Petra Dankova studied political science (B.A.) at the University of Notre Dame (USA) and social work (M.S.W.) at the Boston College (USA). She has worked at THWS as a research associate since 2020, in particular in collaboration with the Master's of Social Work with Migrants and Refugees and the BSA module social work in the immigrant society. Before, she worked for 10 years at the intersection of migration and social work. She is a doctoral candidate of the BayWISS Verbundkolleg Sozialer Wandel. Her research focuses are (transnational) social work and migration, and knowledge production in social work.

E-mail: petra.dankova[at]

Further information on Petra Dankova

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Anna-Lisa Klages, M.A.

Anna-Lisa Klages is art therapist (B.A.) and social worker with a focus on trauma pedagogics (M.A.). She has been a research associate at the FAS since 04/2020. She is a PhD candidate of the BayWISS Verbundkolleg Sozialer Wandel. In her research, she examines the meaning of practices of visual culture and their agency in Uganda's civil society.

E-mail: anna-lisa.klages[at]

Further information on Anna-Lisa Klages

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Lisa Mends, M.A.

Lisa Mends studied social work (B.A.) and completed her Master's in "International Social Work with Refugees and Migrants" at FHWS in 2018. Since April 2017, she has contributed to various international projects of the FAS on social work in an migration context as a research associate. Since 2018, she has coordinated the projects of the German Academic Exchange Service with the partner universities in Jordan and the Lebanon. Since 2021, she has worked in the project "International Social Work Acting in Crises – Attitude Matters (AttiMa)". Her research focuses on international, anti-racism social work and education in the immigrant society.

E-mail: lisa.mends[at]

Franziska Neureither, M.A.

Franziska Neureither studied social work (B. A.) and completed her Master's in applied social and educational sciences. Since April 2019, she has been a PhD candidate working on social work and indigenous help systems in Ghana in the Kolleg "Ethik - Kultur - Bildung für das 21. Jahrhundert". Since March 2020 she has worked as a research associate at the FAS and is mainly responsible for development and implementation of research projects, and academic supervision of the Master's degree programme 'International Social Work with Refugees and Migrants'.

E-mail: franziska.neureither[at]

Further information on Franziska Neureither

[Translate to Englisch:] Profilfoto von Franziska Neureither

Stefanie Witter, M.A.

Stefanie Witter completed her Master's in "International Social Work with Refugees and Migrants" at FHWS in 2019 an der FHWS, after successful completion of the Bachelor's in international social work at the Coburg University of Applied Sciences. Today, she works as coordinator in the THWS 3IN project. Her research focuses on flight & migration, political education and digitisation of teaching.

E-mail: stefanie.witter[at]

Further information on Stefanie Witter

[Translate to Englisch:] Profilfoto von Stefanie Witter