Thesis students

Fatimah Abbas (Libanon), MHD Adib Gazi (Jordan), Mahmoud Mandou (Jordan), Safa'a Alrefei (Jordan) und Elisa Bugatti (Germany) spent each one month in one of the partner countries, in order to research for their master thesis and to gain deeper understanding on the topic of localisation of Social Work. 

"I agree that the concept of "glocal" approaches must be considered when applying localisation of Social Work, which says that global awareness and local solutions must be equally emphasized on." - Fatimah

Further information on this mobility you can find in the Report written by Fatimah Abbas.

"The study conditions in Germany, even for the same subject "Social Work", the learning and study experiences are very different compared to Jordan. For me, the teaching methods and tools [...] were much more differentiated than I knew them to be, and the students interacted with the lecturer much more openly than is the case in Jordan." - Adib

Further information on this mobility you can find in the report written by MHD Adib Gazi.

"Due of these differences [between Jordan and Germany], the results of my thesis will have a clear impact on the localization of social work in the Arab countries, because it will clarify the differences between GBV [Gender-based violence] practice and interventions with women in Germany and in Jordan." – Mahmoud

Further information on this mobility you can find in the Report written by Mahmoud Mandou.

"Although my research process was not easy, I was fortunate meet very kind German people while visiting the German Women's Forum and language Center, in order to meet Syrian refugee families to conduct interviews with them" - Safa'a

Further information about this mobility you can find in the report written by Safa'a Alrefei.

"Indeed, having insights on the daily-life of local people positively contributed to the development of my research because it helped me to understand the challenges and the barriers that people in Jordan face on a social, economic and political level, so that I could frame my research in a more realistic manner." - Elisa

Further information about this mobility you can find in the report written by Elisa Bugatti.