Reflection Round


Perspectives in International Social Work

This paper aims to identify the most prominent events that Lebanon has gone through during the years 1975-1990 and after the explosion of August 4th, 2020, events which have had an effect on social work. The study looks on the aftermath of the explosion as well as scrutinizing it from a historical perspective.Experiences and initiatives of social workers in time period 1975-1990 were scrutinized by interviews with Lebanese social work pioneers. These findings were then compared with the experiences from the social interventions after the August 4th explosion in Beirut. The report provides insights into the development of Social Work in Lebanon and professional perspectives about Social Work in crisis contexts.

PDF Version English:

Kahi, Hiam Samaha & Ghanem, Aimée (2021): Social Work in the Face of Crises and Disasters - Part One. A case study: Lebanon in the years between 1975 - 1990 and after the Beirut Explosion, 4th of August 2020. In: Hannah Reich, Lisa Mends, & Aimée Ghanem (eds.), Perspectives in International Social Work (1). THWS. URN Link: urn:nbn:de:bvb:863-opus-30073



This text is a continuation of Part One: “Social work in the face of crises and disasters. A case study of Lebanon in the years between 1975-1990 and after the Beirut explosion of August, 4th 2020”. Part One presents a brief overview of social workers’ field initiatives which were carried out during the years of war through social institutions which played a prominent role during that period, where these entire experiences formed the material of forementioned conducted research. This report - Part Two - presents a recall all these experiences individually and describe in more detail the social initiatives that existed in different regions in Lebanon from 1975-1990.

PDF Version Englis:

Kahi, Hiam Samaha & Ghanem, Aimée (2021): Social Work in the Face of Crises and Disasters - Part Two. A brief review of some social workers' field experiences in Lebanon during the 1975-1990 war. In: Hannah Reich, Lisa Mends, & Aimée Ghanem (eds.), Perspectives in International Social Work (2). THWS. URN Link: urn:nbn:de:bvb:863-opus-30081

International Social Work Education: Methods, Tools & Approaches

تعتبر المقابلة بمختلف أشكالها وأنواعها أحد أهم أدوات البحث لجمع البيانات الكيفية في الأبحاث السوسيولوجية الامبريقية وخاصةً المنبثقة عن المنهج التأويلي. المقابلة السردية هي احدى أنواع تلك المقابلات المختلفة والمتنوعة. في هذا المقال سوف أناقش المنهج السوسيولوجي التأويلي ومن ثم المقابلة السردية كأداة بحثية لجمع البيانات الكيفية وإعادة بُنْية الحالة كأداة لتحليلها واستنتاج التعميمات النظرية القائمة على الحالة الفردية، معتمداً بشكل اساسي على مساهمات جبريلة روزنتال النظرية والمنهجية في هذا المجال. مدرسة روزنتال هي فرع من فروع المنهج السوسيولوجي التأويلي. اسلوبها البحثي يعتمد على دمج المنهج البيوغرافي البنائي ـ بالاخص المستند الى التراث العلمي لبيتر بيرغير و توماس لوكمان ـ مع علم إجتماع المعرفة ـ كما قدمه ماكس فيبر وألفْريد شوتز ـ ونظريات تحليل الخطاب لميشيل فوكو وعلم إجماع السيرورة لنوربرت إلياس. هذا المنهج ينطلق من فرضية مفادها أن الواقع الاجتماعي هو مركب إجتماعي ليس منعزل عن التأويل الذاتي للفرد و/او الأفراد وبالتالي فهو يخضع لقانون الفعل الاجتماعي للفاعلين الاجتماعيين. بهذا المفهوم فإن المقابلة السردية هي ليست مجرد تقنية او أداة بحثية لجمع البيانات الكيفية وتحليلها فقط، بل هي ايضاً موقف وإلتزام نظري وفلسفي بالمنهج السوسيولوجي التأويلي. إجمالاً ما يميز أسلوب روزنتال البحثي في أجراء المقابلة السردية وتحليلها بشكل خاص هو إعتمادها على التحليل التسلسلي والإستقرائي وكذلك الفصل بين تحليل المعطيات الموضوعية وتحليل التأويل الذاتي ومن ثم المقارنة بينهما في خطوات مستقلة ومتتالية. في هذا المقال سوف يتم عرض ومناقشة خطوات هذا الأسلوب البحثي بشكل تفصيلي.

In this article, I present the theoretical background of the interpretive approach and discuss the narrative interview as a research method for qualitative data collection. Further, I display the qualitative data analysis for a case reconstruction and the theoretical generalization based on an individual case. This approach is based heavily on the methodological and methodical contributions of Gabriele Rosenthal in this field. Rosenthal's school is a part of the interpretive social approach. This research method is based on a combination approach of social-constructivist biographical research - especially the one is based on the tradition of Berger and Luckmann - with the sociology-of-knowledge approach - as it is provided by Max Weber and Alfred Schütz -, the research of Michel Foucault's discourse and the figurational sociology of Norbert Elias. The basic assumption of this approach is that social reality is a social construct and not separate from the subjective interpretation (the subjective sense) of the individual and/or the individuals. Therefore, it is subjected to the determinations of the social action of the actors. In this sense, the narrative interview is not only a technique or a research tool for qualitative data collection and analysis, but it is also a theoretical positioning and a methodological and methodical commitment to the interpretive social approach.

PDF Version Arabic:

Albaba, Ahmed (2021): Muqaddima fī ʾasālīb al-baḥṯ as-sūsīūlūğy at-taʾwīly: Mabadiʾ al-muqābala as-sardiyya wa turuq taḥlīlihā. Methods, Tools & Approaches: Introduction into the methods of interpretive social research: Principles of conducting and evaluating narrative interviews. In: Hannah Reich and Lisa Mends (eds.), International Social Work Education: Methods, Tools & Approaches (1). THWS. URN Link: urn:nbn:de:bvb:863-opus-19696.

This in hand working book builds on the "Stress Reducation Programm (MBSR)" , which is developed by Prof. Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn and his team at the "Center for Mindulness in Medicine, Health Care and Society" in the medical faculty of the university of Massachusetts in Worcester, MA USA. It refers to the course book from: Woodward, B.: 2019: Course Workbook Mindfulness MBSR, Mindful Academy Solterreno.

PDF Version English:

Reich, Hannah (2023): Workbook: Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction. In: Hannah Reich and Lisa Mends (eds.), International Social Work Education: Methods, Tools & Approaches (2). THWS. URN Link: urn:nbn:de:bvb:863-opus-43278

برنامج الحد من التوتر (MBSR)"، الذي طوره البروفيسور الدكتور جون كابات زين وفريقه في "مركز اليقظة الذهنية في الطب والرعاية الصحية والمجتمع" في كلية الطب. من جامعة ماساتشوستس في ورسستر، ماساتشوستس، الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية. يشير إلى كتاب الدورة التدريبية من: Woodward, B.: 2019: Course Workbook Mindness MBSR, Mindful Academy Solterreno

PDF Version Arabic:

Reich, Hannah (2023): الذھنیة الیقظة على القائم التوتر من الحد : التدریبات كتاب (Workbook: Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction). Translated by Bushra Abyad. In: Hannah Reich and Lisa Mends (eds.), International Social Work Education: Methods, Tools & Approaches (3). THWS. URN Link: urn:nbn:de:bvb:863-opus-43283


Germany, Jordan, and Lebanon’s social, political, and socio-economic structures are influenced by a long history of them receiving refugees and migrants. This was a starting point for the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg (Germany), the German Jordanian University, Yarmouk University (Jordan), and the Lebanese University to engage in an intercultural and professional exchange project on social work in the field of (forced) migration. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) served as a conceptual framework to examine the lives of refugees, community development and social cohesion in receiving societies, and the role of social work in this context. The project concept focused on engaging in cultural dialogue, linking theory to practice, and fostering academic exchange through research projects. The paper provides practical insights into and reflections on the international dialogue project that proved to be an insightful learning experience for students and staff even in exceptional times of crises, exploring the relevance of SDGs for a profiled social work profession and scientific discipline.

PDF Version English:

Mends, Lisa; Ghanem, Aimée & Al Hamouri, Farah (2022): Sustainable Development Goals and Social Work in the Migration Context - A Higher Education Dialogue Between Germany, Jordan, and Lebanon. Social Work Education, Volume 41, Issue 7, pp. 1525-1540. URL