THWS International Teaching Week 2024
During the week of June 3rd , 2024, the International Teaching Week (ITW) was held again at THWS in Würzburg, Germany. For the ITW, lecturers and professors from THWS partner universities came to Würzburg to teach in various faculties and programs, fostering international exchange between students and faculties. As part of this event, participants of the ThRIvE project from Lebanon and Jordan also came to Würzburg. On the evening of June 4th, the ThRIvE team members attended a networking event organized by the THWS International Office, where they had the opportunity to network and exchange ideas with other international guests during a boat trip on the Main River with a Franconian buffet.
The ThRIvE networking meeting, which took place on June 5th, 2024, was attended by Prof. Dr. Nada Eltaiba, Prof. Dr. Christine Huth-Hildebrandt, and project staff member Farah Al Hamouri from GJU (Jordan), as well as MUBS President Dr. Nael Alami, Head of the Social Work Department Amal Hawari, and research associate Aimée Ghanem from Lebanon, along with Prof. Dr. Hannah Reich and Lisa Mends (project coordination at THWS). The team exchanged experiences and reflections on past project measures and prepared for upcoming project activities.
In addition, guests Farah Al Hamouri, Prof. Dr. Nada Eltaiba, Amal Hawari, and Dr. Nael Alami participated in the ITW with lectures. Among others, students of the Master’s program "International Social Work with Refugees and Migrants" at THWS, who will be traveling to Jordan for a summer school in a few months as part of a project activity and their studies, attended the lectures. Farah Al Hamouri reported on "Restorative Justice in Tribal Communities: Fostering Healing and Harmony through Cultural Values" in the case of Jordan. Prof. Dr. Nada Eltaiba provided insights into "Addressing Racism in the Practice with Muslim Clients," drawing on experiences from Western Australia. Amal Hawari presented the development of the Social Work program in Lebanon. Dr. Nael Alami concluded the event with a lecture on "Identifying and Interrogating Coloniality in Educational Exchange Programs from the Perspective of a Lebanese Educator."

THWS International Teaching Week 2023
The first network meeting of the ThRIVE project team took place within the International Teaching Week (ITW) at the THWS, Würzburg, Germany. During the ITW, lecturers and professors from partner universities of the THWS came to Würzburg to teach in different faculties and programs to enable an international exchange between students and lecturers.
As part of the network meeting, Prof. Dr. Nada Eltaiba, Prof. Dr. Christine Huth-Hildebrandt, and project collaborator Farah Al Hamouri from the GJU (Jordan) and MUBS provost Dr. Nael Alami and research associate Aimée Ghanem traveled from Lebanon to Germany. The team got to know each other personally for the first time in this new composition, exchanged views on the trinational cooperation, and planned the project activities for the upcoming years until 2025.
In addition, the project collaborators Aimée Ghanem and Farah Al Hamouri presented their current research projects within the ITW. Aimée Ghanem reported on: Social work Interventions in times of Crisis in the case of Lebanon. Farah Al Hamouri gave a lecture on Social Workers Ethical Conflicts in Times of Crisis – Case Study Jordan.