Reflection Round

Youth Empowerment - History of Youth Friendly Services and its Implementation (September 2023)

The Creative Social Work Interventions working on Youth Empowerment Lebanon-Jordan mobility, took place from September 3rd to September 9th, bringing together students and professionals from Lebanon and Jordan to explore creative social work interventions which have their focus on youth empowerment. 

Participants had the opportunity to engage in interactive sessions, field visits, and workshops that enriched their understanding of Youth Friendly Services and Creative Social Work in crises. The program's diverse activities, including campus tours, NGO visits, and cultural excursions, allowed a holistic learning experience.

The mobility had in general positive feedback from participants across various sessions. On Monday, September 4th,  Hiam Kahi's session on the history of Primary Health Care and Youth Friendly Services was described, by the students, as having provided a strong foundation for future endeavors. Participants found the session informative, inspiring them to understand the role of social workers and apply their knowledge effectively. The session on Youth Friendly Services Implementation, conducted by Aimee Ghanem, was praised for its creativity and practicality, offering new perspectives on how such services can be provided. 

On Tuesday, September 5th, Mr. Mahdi Rizk and Amal Hawari's session on the importance of Public Health and Social Work Majors was praised for providing new information and highlighting the missions and visions of social work. The Action Plan Presentation on Youth Friendly Services, facilitated by Aimee Ghanem,  emphasized the importance of teamwork and cooperation in achieving goals.

The NWN tour by Laura Ajab's was described as a insightful experience that promoted solidarity and cooperation. Dr. Firas Azzam's session on the NWN Hasbaya Brief emphasized the importance of human rights in education and raised awareness about the significance of social work. The field visit to Taanayel and Arc En Ciel was seen as an opportunity for practical work, information gathering, and nature appreciation.

Alpha Association's program presentation received praise for its passionate and patient approach, representing a positive and hospitable team working for a better environment. The Agri Youth Project presentation and the role of social workers, conducted by Alpha NGO, were described as enjoyable, informative, and bringing entrepreneurial skills.

Finally, Dr. Nada Khaddaj's training on Social Work Empowerment Evaluation encouraged critical thinking and opened new horizons for participants, providing them with valuable insights for personal and professional development.

Overall, the mobility program successfully provided a platform for learning, collaboration, and empowerment in the field of social work, and participants left with newfound knowledge and inspiration to make a positive impact on their communities.

Group Picture in front of MUBS
Visitation with an NGO
Credits: Ghanem
Group Picture Jordan/Lebanon Mobility
Credits: Ghanem
Group Workshop Lebanon
Credits: Ghanem