Prof. Dr. Hannah Reich

Prof. Dr. Hannah Reich holds a professorship on artistic and movement-oriented methods in social work in the Faculty of Applied Social Science at the Technical University of Applied Science Würzburg Schweinfurt (THWS), Würzburg, Germany. Her expertise lies in participatory, experienced based methods for knowledge generation, with focus on community building, conflict transformation, and self-care / empowerment. She specializes in using various forms of interactive theater, mindfulness, and experience-based learning for conscientization, to broaden human perception, consciousness, interconnection, and embodied presence as an integral part of the planet earth. She aims at fostering the perception of purpose, deep connection and belonging to nurture self-worthiness leading to responsible action, creativity, and engagement for the creation of a new Earth.
Email: hannah.reich[at]
Lisa Mends (M.A.)

Lisa Mends holds a bachelor’s degree in social work and a master's degree in “International Social Work with Refugees and Migrants”. She is working as a research assistant at the Technical University of Applied Science Würzburg Schweinfurt (THWS), Würzburg, Germany, coordinating higher education exchange projects with Lebanon and Jordan. Her research interests are anti-racist social work (education), migration and diversity studies. She is a doctoral student of the graduate college ‘educational processes in anti-discriminatory academic teaching’ at the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany.
Email: lisa.mends[at]
Neele Minuth (B.A.)

Neele Minuth holds a bachelor’s degree in social work and is currently studying the master's program “International Social Work with Refugees and Migrants” at the Technical University of Applied Science Würzburg Schweinfurt (THWS), Würzburg, Germany. Next to her studies, is she a student assistant in the ThRIvE project.